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Lazer Angel - Soul Exchange 7''
- Soul Exchange”
- “Shut Down Incoming Signal”
Tilattavat lp
10,00 €
Huom! Tilattava tuote. Toimitusaika 1 viikko - 6 kuukautta.
Huom, Svart-recordsin julkaisut ja kauppapaikan tuotteet eivät kerrytä leimoja.
7'' single
Tuotantoyhtiö ja vuosi
Full Contact / Ektro
Full Contact Records, the vinyl arm of Finnish powerhouse Ektro Records, has launched a new series entitled the Full Contact Synthwave Series. The first release in the series will be the debut offering from Lazer Angel, an electronic duo comprised of Jussi Lehtisalo and Bruce Duff. Both musicians have been involved in countless bands and projects covering the spectrum of rock and alternative recordings, but this is a completely electronic project, the only non-circuit generated sounds being Duff’s vocals. Lehtisalo has been the driving force behind numerous projects, most famously Circle and Pharaoh Overlord as well as his own solo project. Duff leads alternative metal pioneers Jesters of Destiny, plays hard rock/punk with the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs and has a long history with numerous other Southern California punk and alternative bands. Their new project sees the two old friends steeped in analog synths and drum machines (Prophet Fives, various Moog synths) as well as virtual analog gear such as the Nord Lead and a variety of midi-driven ‘soft’ synths. The combination of old and new is present in the music as well, where one can hear a modern-tempered blend of Gary Numan, Larry Fast, John Carpenter and Tangerine Dream.